
M&C Saatchi was formed in January 1995 by Jeremy Sinclair, Bill Muirhead, David Kershaw and the brothers Maurice and Charles Saatchi.

The Group was started as an advertising agency in 1995. From a modest office above a London real estate agent, we set about realising our ambition to change the world.

International since day one, we started businesses with the best people all over the world. Each business was an independent legal entity with its own operating name – run by brilliant leaders with an ownership stake in their business.

This model has unified and fuelled the Group ever since. Entrepreneurialism is in our DNA. And every business in our network is driven to make change.

Today, our expertise runs far deeper than our famous advertising heritage. Delivering creative, strategic and data-led services across five specialist divisions, our global interdisciplinary team blends cutting-edge data expertise with diverse thinking and exceptional creativity.

M&C Saatchi Group is listed as ‘M&C Saatchi plc’ on the AIM stock exchange in London. Every business in our network is supported by an active Group function. This structure connects clients to the right specialists from across the M&C Saatchi Group of businesses – to navigate, create and lead meaningful change.


What we do

We are a global marketing services business working across a wide variety of industry sectors with a strategy focused on winning new business and starting new businesses.

The strategy is carried out by our staff, employed in over eighty business units run by local entrepreneurs who are regularly in touch with their local stakeholders and head office.



Audit & Risk Committee

Since the 9 July 2004 float, the Group has operated with an Audit & Risk Committee, whose Terms of Reference cover the points recommended by the Corporate Governance Code.

The present Audit & Risk Committee comprises of Non-Executive Directors, Colin Jones (Committee Chair), Heather Rabbatts and Louise Jackson. The Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the external auditor will be invited to attend meetings of the Committee on a regular basis and other individuals such as the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives from the finance function of the Company may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year can be found in the latest Annual Report.


Nomination Committee

Formed in 2021, the Nomination Committee comprises of the Non-Executive Chair, Zillah Byng-Thorne (Committee Chair) and Non-Executive Directors, Louise Jackson and Colin Jones. The Chief People Officer, the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives and external advisers may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year will be detailed in the upcoming Annual Report.

M&C Saatchi Diversity & Inclusion Statement

“M&C Saatchi believes in Diversity of Thought.

Similar people think similar thoughts

Diversity of people creates diversity of thought

Diversity of Thought is a creative necessity.”

Guaranteeing our workforce is diverse and that our employees are treated equally regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, marital status, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, or any other characteristic, ensures that we have a diversity of skills, backgrounds, knowledge, experience and thought to do the best creative work for our clients, and to continue to attract the best creative minds in the industry.

Equitable recruitment practices and talent development, as well as maintaining safe and supportive business cultures are vital to the Group’s success and the encouragement of diverse voices within it. 

M&C Saatchi remains committed to supporting its businesses as they embrace diversity – how this is achieved will vary from business unit to business unit, recognising each one’s growth phases, cultures and the nuances of the various markets in which they operate.


Remuneration Committee

Since the 9 July 2004 float, the Group has operated with a Remuneration Committee, whose Terms of Reference cover the points recommended by the Corporate Governance Code.

The present Remuneration Committee comprises of Non-Executive Directors, Louise Jackson (Committee Chair), Colin Jones, Heather Rabbatts, Chris Sweetland and the Non-Executive Chair, Zillah Byng-Thorne. The Chief People Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, the General Counsel and Company Secretary and any other directors or representatives and external advisers may be invited to attend where necessary.

Details of the Committee’s remit can be found below in the Terms of Reference and the work it has performed in the year can be found in the latest Annual Report.



BDO LLP were appointed as the Company's auditor on 18 October 2021.

Corporate governance

The M&C Saatchi plc Board comprises two Executives, a Non-Executive Chair, three independent Non-Executive Directors and one non-independent Non-Executive Director. The Board manages the Group's affairs according to the schedule of matters reserved for its approval, including the financial statements, acquisitions and disposals, authority levels for expenditure, and reviews of monthly and other management reports.

Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer regularly meet shareholders and their representatives. The whole board is available to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.

M&C Saatchi plc follows the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code. The Board regularly reviews the Group's Governance structure and disclosures, making changes and improvements where necessary (last review 14 July 2023).

M&C Saatchi plc is registered and operates in England and Wales, registration number 05114893.